Ok, I'll admit it. I'm not much of a baseball fan. I've visited the Skydome (sorry, Roger's Centre) in Toronto a couple times for games, but I found it lacklustre at best. The fans were bored, the seats were empty, and the game was uninteresting. So when my husband asked me if I wanted to go to a baseball game, I declined...
I got a look. It was a look of pure shock and horror that I would ever say no to such a thing. In fact, I got the exact same look from his brother when he repeated my answer to him. So my curiosity was peaked ever so slightly. Was this just because they are die-hard fans? Or am I missing something??
Well, to make a long story short, I agreed to go. We were armed with umbrellas to protect our delicate faces, whole roast chickens from a street vendor, and 1000 won kimbap rolls. We were ready. Except we weren't. We didn't have newspapers.
I was confused.
They were adamant about the newspapers. We had to search high and low for them. I suggested playing a Korean game instead of reading newspapers. This was rejected.

So, we got the newspapers and headed into the stadium. It filled up FAST. By the time the game was about to start, the place was packed. There wasn't even any standing room anymore. I was starting to feel excited.
So the newspapers: they shredded them and made pom-poms! And everyone had one :)
The game started and it was one of the best times I had in Korea. Everyone was dancing, shaking their pom-poms, and sing one of about 20 different songs and chants. It was FUN!

Most random part of the day: When the stadium staff handed out orange garbage bags, everyone immediately inflated them and put them on their heads. I'm not lying. It was the strangest thing ever. Suddenly I was in a sea of orange bags :)
I highly recommend going to a Giant's game in Busan. I've heard that it's not quite the same in the other cities. Let me know if it's just as good!
Yeah, that was one of the best times in Korea with you. Remember? a little argument about the chicken? You wanted to have a chicken, but everyone didn't agree with that, lol. I felt bad watching you starve to death. But once you had a piece of chicken, You were pretty happy. I can't forget your facial emotion. hehe
I was starving to death! We marched around the city, taking several subways, walking 10 miles, then we bought food and I wasn't supposed to eat it.. haha.
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