Monday, May 16, 2011

Pug Falls in Toilet

This made me laugh so hard.

On one hand, I feel bad for the Puglie. My dogs hate it when you laugh at them. They take it very personally and sometimes sulk for a long time while facing a corner.

On the other, I would probably document this too. But only if I was sure she wasn't going to jump out and run all over the house while I looked for the camera. (ew!)

Of all the places that a dog can get into... seriously?? A toilet??

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My Return

I'm here!  I'm here!  Let the bells ring out and the banners fly!  Feast your eyes on me!  Too good to be true, but I'm here!

So, I've slacked majorly as of late.  I apologize.  Although, who I'm apologizing to, I have no idea.  I'll bet no one reads this blog anymore.

I've been busy.  And I've been tired.  Work and life keep me busy.  But what keeps me tired is somewhat of a mystery. 

I'm currently seeing a neurologist.  He calls me his "puzzle".  He seems very excited about me and my puzzling self.  He is old enough to have retired long ago, so perhaps he has seen it all and now he is happy to have something new.  Or maybe he loves all of his patients and has a natural sense of wonder with all of them.  That would be an enjoyable way to go through life, if you ask me. 
I'm going to see him in June again after I finish my battery of tests and other specialists.  We'll see if he can put the pieces together and come up with an answer to my problems.

A couple of weeks ago he sent me for a sleep study.  The reason for this is my extreme tiredness.  I get a minimum of 8.5 hours of sleep every night.  If I get less than this, I can barely keep my eyes open during the day.  I'm the type to lay my head down on the pillow and fall right asleep, so I don't have insomnia.  I'm am far from overweight, so I've never thought that I could have sleep apnea since I don't snore.  I do, however, sleep talk.  And act.  And even on a rare occasion..  walk.  But I thought I'd humour him and go to my sleep appointment at 8pm.
I was a bit weirded out by the thought of someone watching me sleep.  But I had a particularily tiring day at work, so I figured that I would fall asleep pretty fast.  The technician was very polite, and extremely professional, so I didn't feel very uncomfortable around him.  I changed into my plaid flannel pajamas and he came in to wire me up.  I had a total of 9 contacts on my head and face, 1 on each leg, 2 on my chest, plus 2 bands around my chest and stomach.  When he finished with all of this, I thought to myself, "I can sleep no problem."  Until he told me he needed to monitor my breathing.  Then I was done.  I knew I was going to have a bad night from that point forward.
I tossed.  I turned.  I got so wrapped up in the wires that I thought I'd rip them out of the wall.  My finger was throbbing from the pulse meter on my finger.  I was not a happy camper.  2am rolled around and I had briefly dozed.  This was going to be a waste of my time.  And the other two people in the sleep study weren't sleeping either.  And they were grumpy.  So I switched to relaxation meditation.  And it worked.  I fell asleep for about 3 hours and was awakened at 5 to go home.  I asked the technician if he got enough data, and he said yes, but from the looks of it, I skip sleep stages.  AHA.  A puzzle piece.

There are supposedly 5 stages of sleep. 
1.  Transition Light sleep
2.  Light Sleep
3.  Deep Sleep
4.  Deep Sleep part 2
5.  REM

 Apparently, I skipped stages 3 and 4 in the three sleep cycles that I managed to go though.  Those deep sleep stages are when your body heals itself, stores energy for the next day, and boosts the immune system.  It'll be interesting to see what they come up with after they properly study the brainwaves and all of that.

Veeeeeeery interesting.

Oh, the torture