Thursday, December 20, 2007

Time for an Update

Ok, so what blog-worthy things have happened lately? Let me see..

1. Sometimes I feel like I'm in rural Africa or something.. one of those places where a white person has never ever been. People randomly talk to me (and ask the most personal Q's!), and if it's later at night, then the drunk men are something to watch out for. Maria and I were on the subway last friday coming home around 12ish, and a drunk man was sitting down watching me (we were standing in the middle because the subway was packed). The seat next to him opened up but we were chatting and didn't really want to sit by him anyway. All of a sudden, he tugged on my hand and practically yanked me down into the seat. I just gave him a look and Maria said something in Korean to him. So I sat... and she was making the "awkward bunny" hand motion to me.. haha. And then he snatched my bags from my hands and held them tightly to his chest like they were his lifeline.. Maria stepped in and he said he was being nice because I had so many.. then he started talking to her and she was telling me that he was slurring so bad that he wasn't making any sense.. Good thing Dongnae was only 2-3 stops away.. creepy drunk guy.

2. The two of us were out again last night so Maria could buy some last minute Christmas gifts before she flies back to Canada today. There's this place called the Mini-mall.. it's a really old building, not very big, but 7 storeys high. Each floor is for something different: shoes, cosmetics, jewellery, stationary/pens.. and really really good prices. So we decided to go there so she wouldn't have to spend very much. We made it to the 3rd floor and I smelled something.. like burning hair. Maria was browsing so I started looking around... weellll... there was smoke pouring up the escalator (POURING). So, I told Maria we had to leave... NOW. The building is so old that it's really enclosed, no windows, and the escalators only go up. To get down, there's an old, glass elevator on the outside of the building. So I said.. "How do we get out???" Good thing Maria was there because she knew of a stairwell in the back.. so we went down one floor and the smoke was starting to come up the stairwell.. and the fire.. 2nd floor.. in the heating system. Black smoke and all the employees panicking.. hehe. Fun fun! So that cut back on our shopping trip.

I think that's all for now!

Monday, December 17, 2007

This year I hate Christmas

The closer Christmas gets, the more I realize things about myself...

One, I'm a physical person. This one surprises me slightly. The reason it does is because I don't come across as a touchy type of person.. But I think that's because of our dogs. Whenever I want a hug or affection, I just call one of them (usually Charlie because he's so cuddly!). And considering I cuddled them the moment I woke up, random times during the day, and right before they went to sleep... then yes.. I must be a little deprived. It sucks. I cuddled a random puppy in a store the other day.. it was afraid of me, and I didn't care.. haha.
But yeah.. it totally sucks. This society is no-touch as well as whoa-touch. No-touch is self-explanatory.. whoa-touch means I constantly see guys holding hands, rubbing each others necks, etc. It was really disturbing at the beginning. And school girls walk around holding hands too. I think it's because they separate them in school at the age when they would start noticing the opposite sex... so their affections jump to same-sex for the time being. Lots of time for dating in the late 20's.. mann..

Also, I don't like thinking about Christmas because I've never ever imagined that I'd spend one away from home. It's saddening. I get a little more depressed everyday and I don't like it. I'm trying to keep positive, but so far it's hard. One good thing.. Eric is planning something for Christmas for me.. I have no idea what.. all he said is "I have a plan.." *wink wink* That could be anything on the planet. So I have one thing to look forward to.. oh, and the Christmas musical.. it's awesome. I've gone to all of their practices and it's hilarious. I'll tape it and send it.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Evil in the Bathroom

So I was coming home last night.. around 9ish.. and as I was walking down the hall towards my apartment door, I heard a scream.. coming from my apartment. And I heard the shower running, so I thought maybe Maria had fallen. I entered the code, and as I opened the door I heard her yelling to me. "Sarah!!! Is that you?????" I answered her carefully... "yesssss". Then she told me that there was a giant cockroach in the bathroom with her.. UGH!!! so she quickly got out and we investigated. It was HUGE! Black, all legs, long wings.. so nasty. So she grabbed the shower head and started spraying hot water at it.. it started running all over the place.. so next best thing.. the bottle of bleach! We emptied it over it.. and it took about 10-15 mins to die. After it was flushed, we went to the store, bought more bleach, and scoured the bathroom. (eggs, you see)

It was an exciting night! *shudder*

- btw, we think it flew in the window -

One New Post - As Requested

Alright.. I'm not sure what to post about so this could be a little choppy/confusing. But you'll live. And I'll attempt to keep it understandable.. NUMBARRRR ONE!

1. The train to Seoul is REALLY fast.. at one point it was going 296 km/hr. Whew! It takes 2 hours and 40 minutes to get there. I'm not sure how far away that is, but it's still pretty far. I love fast trains.. woot!

2. Maria and I are thinking of getting another apartment together somewhere else. As a result, all hell MAY be breaking loose.. lol. I don't care! We need a bigger fridge! We have to stop eating out EVERY day! And why does it matter if we get another place?? I think it's a power thing.. I'll keep you posted! :)

3. I've thought of something else for my Christmas list.. my Believer's Hymn Book. It's in my car in the backseat! Thanks!

4. I've gotten gifties for people in my family... ooOOooOOoooOooooo! Wouldn't you like to know!

5. I'm running out of things, and my boss is hanging around. argh

Take care!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

True Story: Gatorade-flavoured Toilet Water

So earlier this week, I noticed a flyer in the elevator. It meant nothing to me (being all in Korean) so I made a mental note to ask Maria when I saw her. As usual, my mental notes are usually lost in the mix.
A couple days ago.. we were getting ready for bed and Maria mentioned that she saw the flyer in the elevator. Apparently the water was going to be gone from 8am the next morning to 8am the day after.. 24 hours without water. And she had JUST noticed it when she got home. Soooo.. we did a quick tally of our water supply.. enough spring water for drinking, a couple pots of water for washing our faces and brushing our teeth, we both took a shower.. and that was the extent of our planning. So the next day, we go to work, and come back home. Never thinking about the lack of water at home.
Soooo.. we get home and had one of those "OH YA!!" moments. And I had to go pee. (I was kicking myself for not having gone at the school) So I asked Maria where the nearest public showers were.. she had no idea. So I said "well.. I really have to go, so I'm going to use our last toilet flush". She jumps up.. runs into the bathroom, and FLUSHES THE TOILET! "Watch!" We both watch in silence as the bowl empties.. and stays empty. After a few seconds.. she sheepishly looks at me.. "oops.." lol. She flushed away my toilet water because she thought the water pressure would refill it.. like in a house. I politely reminded her that we were on the 5th floor.. hahahahaha.
What to do??? Why... try to fill the bowl up with a 2L bottle of nasty gatorade, of course. That filled it up about 1/6th of the way.. so.. only one thing left to do. We grabbed a large bag, filled it with a bunch of empty 2L bottles and went to the hospital. We felt like thieves.. we snuck in.. and we stole the water. (and I used the washroom.. evil) Then we ran out with our pilfered water, giggling... and to make the best of it.. it's not even drinkable! ARGH! We stole toilet water!!