Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Evil in the Bathroom

So I was coming home last night.. around 9ish.. and as I was walking down the hall towards my apartment door, I heard a scream.. coming from my apartment. And I heard the shower running, so I thought maybe Maria had fallen. I entered the code, and as I opened the door I heard her yelling to me. "Sarah!!! Is that you?????" I answered her carefully... "yesssss". Then she told me that there was a giant cockroach in the bathroom with her.. UGH!!! so she quickly got out and we investigated. It was HUGE! Black, all legs, long wings.. so nasty. So she grabbed the shower head and started spraying hot water at it.. it started running all over the place.. so next best thing.. the bottle of bleach! We emptied it over it.. and it took about 10-15 mins to die. After it was flushed, we went to the store, bought more bleach, and scoured the bathroom. (eggs, you see)

It was an exciting night! *shudder*

- btw, we think it flew in the window -

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