Thursday, December 20, 2007

Time for an Update

Ok, so what blog-worthy things have happened lately? Let me see..

1. Sometimes I feel like I'm in rural Africa or something.. one of those places where a white person has never ever been. People randomly talk to me (and ask the most personal Q's!), and if it's later at night, then the drunk men are something to watch out for. Maria and I were on the subway last friday coming home around 12ish, and a drunk man was sitting down watching me (we were standing in the middle because the subway was packed). The seat next to him opened up but we were chatting and didn't really want to sit by him anyway. All of a sudden, he tugged on my hand and practically yanked me down into the seat. I just gave him a look and Maria said something in Korean to him. So I sat... and she was making the "awkward bunny" hand motion to me.. haha. And then he snatched my bags from my hands and held them tightly to his chest like they were his lifeline.. Maria stepped in and he said he was being nice because I had so many.. then he started talking to her and she was telling me that he was slurring so bad that he wasn't making any sense.. Good thing Dongnae was only 2-3 stops away.. creepy drunk guy.

2. The two of us were out again last night so Maria could buy some last minute Christmas gifts before she flies back to Canada today. There's this place called the Mini-mall.. it's a really old building, not very big, but 7 storeys high. Each floor is for something different: shoes, cosmetics, jewellery, stationary/pens.. and really really good prices. So we decided to go there so she wouldn't have to spend very much. We made it to the 3rd floor and I smelled something.. like burning hair. Maria was browsing so I started looking around... weellll... there was smoke pouring up the escalator (POURING). So, I told Maria we had to leave... NOW. The building is so old that it's really enclosed, no windows, and the escalators only go up. To get down, there's an old, glass elevator on the outside of the building. So I said.. "How do we get out???" Good thing Maria was there because she knew of a stairwell in the back.. so we went down one floor and the smoke was starting to come up the stairwell.. and the fire.. 2nd floor.. in the heating system. Black smoke and all the employees panicking.. hehe. Fun fun! So that cut back on our shopping trip.

I think that's all for now!

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