Tuesday, December 11, 2007

One New Post - As Requested

Alright.. I'm not sure what to post about so this could be a little choppy/confusing. But you'll live. And I'll attempt to keep it understandable.. NUMBARRRR ONE!

1. The train to Seoul is REALLY fast.. at one point it was going 296 km/hr. Whew! It takes 2 hours and 40 minutes to get there. I'm not sure how far away that is, but it's still pretty far. I love fast trains.. woot!

2. Maria and I are thinking of getting another apartment together somewhere else. As a result, all hell MAY be breaking loose.. lol. I don't care! We need a bigger fridge! We have to stop eating out EVERY day! And why does it matter if we get another place?? I think it's a power thing.. I'll keep you posted! :)

3. I've thought of something else for my Christmas list.. my Believer's Hymn Book. It's in my car in the backseat! Thanks!

4. I've gotten gifties for people in my family... ooOOooOOoooOooooo! Wouldn't you like to know!

5. I'm running out of things, and my boss is hanging around. argh

Take care!

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