Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I got one of my daily telemarketing calls today.  Usually it's a marketing company calling on behalf of a bank or some other institution, but today's call took a new approach.
The lady who called sounded exactly like a recording, to the point that I didn't answer her first question because I hadn't realized that she was really talking to me.  When I did answer her, she gave me some scripted small talk about it being refreshing to talk to a real person since all she's gotten all day is answering machines.  I gave her a little bit of silence on that one.  Then she went on and ON about some police foundation for needy and starving children and wouldn't I like to help out these poor children?  I declined, knowing that it's probably a scam (there are a few going around right now).  Then she asked if she could ask one more question before she hung up.  I said ok.  She then went on a sob story about how these children are abused physically and sexually and would I donate just $25 to help out the abused children?
Wow..  talk about laying it on thick.  I can't believe that they would use tactics like that.  And I can't help but wonder how many people fall for it.

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