Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Dreaded Day

Tomorrow is the day to be dreaded as far as my husband is concerned.  We leave bright and early in the morning to go to the hospital for his surgery.  It's day surgery, but it's nerve-wracking all the same.  And I'm taking a wild guess that he's going to be in some serious pain tomorrow so I feel bad for him. 
He damaged the bone in his big toe a few years ago while playing soccer and it's been going downhill ever since.  So he finally manned up and decided to see a specialist, who sent him to another specialist, who then sent him to a very good surgeon.  Who then told him he may lose his toe.  Then he smiled and asked when would he like the surgery?  I take it that every surgeon looks forward to an interesting surgery.

I hope all goes well!  I'm bringing some books because I have a feeling it'll be a long day.


Jumble Mash said...

Aw! Good luck to your hubby! I'm sure he'll be a big baby through recovery (most men are) so you'll have fun taking care of him :)

HennyPenny said...

thanks, JM :D He's been good! Nothing too major, but I do agree that they're big babies! ;)