Monday, October 25, 2010


I used to chat with a bunch of people online when I was back in high school.  They were all from various churches, and we all knew someone who knew the other person (that makes sense, doesn't it??  It's like 6 degrees of separation except more like 2 degrees)

Anyway, there was this one guy that I chatted with who lived in New Brunswick.  Being a Newfoundlander, it was easy to hit it off.  A bunch of us would all chat together in this really old-school homemade chatroom called the Chatterbox.

As time went by, we fell out of communication.  He ended up moving to Newfoundland and attended the same church as my grandparents.  They thought he was the nicest young man, and were always at him to find a wife to match him.  (grandparents do this, if you must know)  Well, this summer he got married.  I saw the pictures come up on my Facebook news-feed and I thought, "good for him".  They looked very happy and all was well.

Fast forward to today.  I got a phone call from my mother telling me that his 24 year old wife had died suddenly of a seizure 1 day before her 25th birthday.


That is just scary.  And sad.  And hard to understand.


I can't imagine losing my husband.  And I can't imagine if I had lost my husband 4 months after marrying him.  Especially when this guy seemingly waited so long to find the right woman..  and to have her taken away so young and suddenly.

I feel for him.. and I can't even guess how he is feeling today.

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