Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What blood type are you?

Prepare to be asked this when you meet people in Korea. Everyone here knows what their blood type is and will be very confused if you say you don't know. I mean, WHY DON'T YOU KNOW??

hehe. I had to call my Dr's office and find out.

There is still a little bit of superstition surrounding blood types. I believe the practice originated in Japan but it has a firm holding in Korea as well. It is believed that your blood type controls your personality to some extent.

For example: I am "A". Therefore I am a worrier. I also let little things get under my skin. The smallest slight is not forgotten for a long time. I am conscientious and get easily stressed. But, I am also artistic and creative. I am shy and seek harmony with others.. preferring to avoid confrontations.
Whether this is all true.. well.. ok, most of it fits really really well. But I'm not saying I believe it!
As for my husband, he is a "B". B's are relaxed and go with the flow. They like adventure and are often travelers. They are ruled by their impulses, love to solve problems, and are specialists in what they do.
This kinda fits too. Hmm..

So, what are you??

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