Monday, February 28, 2011

I would wave, but..

Lately I've been enjoying the Zumba class offered at my gym.  When I started going there, I had no idea what Zumba was.  I didn't know that it was so widespread.  If you look up Zumba on YouTube, you'll find video after video of people having fun.  And the classes are all packed.  I'd say these Zumba people have got it figured out and must be making a small fortune.  After all, who doesn't like dancing??  Dancing is fun and easy exercise.  Weight building is not...

My two main goals that I want to achieve from working out are these:  Energy and Muscles.  I've written about my major lack of energy before, so no need to expound on it again.  As for muscles, I had a vague idea that I needed more of them, but I had no idea how much.

I'm a weakling.  I've pretty much always have been a weakling, I'm just more of one lately.  The gym was offering a free fitness assessment with an instructor, so I took advantage of it.  After all the questions about my health history and personal fitness goals, the instructor took me to this machine that measures fat, muscle, and bone content using electrical impulses.  I was impressed.  Then I was surprised.  I'm good in the fat department.  No need to lose or gain.  But my muscles.  My puny muscles are indeed very puny.  I must gain 11.4 lbs of muscle in order to be in the "normal" range.  I thought, no problem.  Easy task.  Then she told me roughly how long it would take to build those 11.4 lbs of muscle.  Approximately 10-12 months.  But how?? I wasn't understanding the severity of my past slacking.

I was relating my discoveries to a friend the other day over lunch.  When I told him the amount of muscle I had to build up, he burst into laughter.  He was incredulous.  "Sarah!" he shouted, in the middle of a crowded Tim Hortons, "If you asked for almost 12 lbs of beef, you'd fill up this tabletop!!"  And then proceeded to laugh even louder.  But it hit home.  11.4 lbs is A LOT OF MEAT.  How did I ever let it get this far??  I'm the biggest health slacker ever!  How do I even lift my arms to type??  I have no idea.  I'm probably a medical marvel.

So now I'm determined to make muscles.  It will be hard, but it will be worth it. 


janelle said...

You're such a fun writer. I loved this post, I giggled all the way through. And the picture at the end was the icing on the cake :D.
Good luck beefing up!

Bridget said...

I love it - "how do I even lift my arms to type?" was probably one of my favorite lines in this post. you're hilarious!

Anonymous said...

oh wow :) i had no idea that a person COULD be undermuscled!!! Good job, Sarah!

HennyPenny said...

Janelle - Thank you :) I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep last night but my poor arm was aching from lifting a measly 10 lbs a few times... so I got out of bed and wrote about it.. haha.

Bridget - Thanks ;) I still do wonder how I function on a daily basis.

Patrick - Neither did I. It was a shock. And getting this way was surprisingly easy :)

Stacy said...

hehehe the pic at the end is very funny! :o)

Stephanie said...

I laughed out loud at the "how do I even lift my arms to type" comment. Honestly? I'd take the gym's recommendations with a grain of salt. Their goal is to sell you personal trainer packages. (Or maybe I'm just saying that 'cause I hate weight training and don't even want to KNOW how many pounds of muscles I need to gain)

HennyPenny said...

Somehow I missed your comment before, Stephanie. Thanks :)
But yes! I agree that they're trying to sell the personal trainer packages. But I did my research (aka: Googled it) and they're weren't too far from the truth. Sad, eh?
I'm not sure if I like or dislike weight training. I like the results, but hate doing it.. like most things in life, I s'pose.