Monday, February 21, 2011

Jjim Jjil Bang

I'm cold.  I have a chill that I just can't get rid of.  If I was in Korea, I would just go to a jjim jjil bang, or public bathhouse. 

I would have a nice, hot, sit-down shower.  

I would then grab an iced mocha drink, a square pillow, and a towel.  

I would then crawl into my own little, warm cave and have a good sleep. 

Mmm..  sleep..


Anonymous said...

communal sit down showers?
do they get uncomfortable?

Jumble Mash said...

Yeah I couldn't do the public shower thing. Not ever.

Bridget said...

Are you supposed to sit on the floor? I just think of all the germs and bacteria that could be there....

PS. Love the new header :)

HennyPenny said...

Patrick - My first couple times were awkward, but I started going out of necessity, so after a while I didn't care anymore.

Jumble Mash - If you had no hot water, you might ;)

Bridget - There are stools. They have them cleaned and stacked. You just grab one on your way in.
And thanks! I used the tutorial you sent me :)

Stacy said...

I've always been curious about these places ever since I saw that lonely planet episode with Ian Wright in a bath house.
As for the banner - I like it a lot :o)

HennyPenny said...

Stacy - I remember that episode! Only his massage looked painful!!

Thanks :)